Hispanic texan here. Not everyone is racist. You are bound to find some, mostly old guard, but not many of them. Neighborhoods are very much mixed up and down the spectrum
In social circles you see some mixing, but not a diversity paradise, you still see some preferences. Preferences are still more notable within genders. Women tend to be more accepting of different races as long as they are not females. I believe since women are more territorial, it makes sense why is harder for them to accept another woman of a different race. If you are a male, its a lot easier to mix amd mingle, but there are some limits too.
But Texas isn't the south! Joking, but not completely because Texas is almost like it's own country. I was thinking more about Alabama ,Mississippi, Louisiana. And I didn't mean to sound like the south is some diversity paradise, that doesn't exist, but it is leagues better than Chicago, Detroit, and so many other Dem cities, even parts of DC. The irony being that so many northerners think southerners are "racists" when they are the ones who assume black people aren't smart enough to log onto the internet, get an ID or hire an accountant. The people saying these things are usually from cities and states where Dem policies have created a culture of poverty and violence and they have such low expectations of black people because that is what they see in those cities. I didn't even answer the guy's question if black people are different in the south, which is mostly yes, because a kid raised in the violence and chaos of Chicago is going to have a much different experience than growing up in Huntsville. Kids get caught up in gang life very young in these cities unless their parents are on them 24/7.
Hispanic texan here. Not everyone is racist. You are bound to find some, mostly old guard, but not many of them. Neighborhoods are very much mixed up and down the spectrum In social circles you see some mixing, but not a diversity paradise, you still see some preferences. Preferences are still more notable within genders. Women tend to be more accepting of different races as long as they are not females. I believe since women are more territorial, it makes sense why is harder for them to accept another woman of a different race. If you are a male, its a lot easier to mix amd mingle, but there are some limits too.
But Texas isn't the south! Joking, but not completely because Texas is almost like it's own country. I was thinking more about Alabama ,Mississippi, Louisiana. And I didn't mean to sound like the south is some diversity paradise, that doesn't exist, but it is leagues better than Chicago, Detroit, and so many other Dem cities, even parts of DC. The irony being that so many northerners think southerners are "racists" when they are the ones who assume black people aren't smart enough to log onto the internet, get an ID or hire an accountant. The people saying these things are usually from cities and states where Dem policies have created a culture of poverty and violence and they have such low expectations of black people because that is what they see in those cities. I didn't even answer the guy's question if black people are different in the south, which is mostly yes, because a kid raised in the violence and chaos of Chicago is going to have a much different experience than growing up in Huntsville. Kids get caught up in gang life very young in these cities unless their parents are on them 24/7.
Agree 100%
Cool thanks for the explanation