Why does Trump emphasize white house, with small letters? Here is the transcript: With your help, your devotion, your brilliance, and your drive, we will carry forward the torch of American liberty. We will lead the conservative movement and the Republican Party back to victory, and it will be a greater victory than this party has ever had. We will take back the House. We will take back the Senate, and then after witnessing all that has gone wrong in our country in such a short period of time, with our borders, with our economy, with crime, we will take back that glorious White House. That sits so majestically in our nation’s capital. Beautiful white house. That’s small letters. White house. That beautiful white house. And it is the most beautiful house of all.
My second question is: Why did Trump call out Louie Gohmert? I know nothing about him, but I found that pretty weird. Here is that transcript: The fact is, Republicans play a much nicer, kinder game than the Democrats, but based on what we’ve seen and what we’re witnessing now with all of the prosecutorial and other misconduct going on, perhaps Republicans will have to rethink their game plan. Louie Gohmert would agree with that. Louie Gohmert, I have to be careful with him. Don’t say I said it, but actually Louie Gohmert’s worse than any Democrat, but we have to hold him back. We hold him back, Doc Ronny, right? What do you think of that, Louie? You just heard something for the first time. Pretty amazing, isn’t it?
On the Gohmert one he was talking about this letter that he received and apparently none of the Congressmen know about yet. " But I just a day ago received a statement from the US attorney, highly respected, in Pennsylvania, that Bill Barr would not allow him to investigate voter fraud. Can you believe it? Now, you have to understand, Philadelphia is the second most corrupt place … so I understand, okay? So I understand … in the nation. You know what first is? Detroit. Detroit was so corrupt. Philadelphia was so corrupt. But the US attorney was not allowed to investigate what … this just came out in a letter. You don’t even know about this, Devin, right? Matt, that’s a big one. What do you think? We have a letter. You’ll have to get it from him because I want to stay out of it. Get it from the US attorney, but I’m sure he’ll be willing to provide it, but he’s given it to us. He was not allowed to do his job. And I saw that. He was all enthused, and then all of a sudden it was like he was turned off. And so were others."
He kind of breezed right past this and kept on going so it hasn't even received discussion yet. But pretty big right?