How? - Attacking you with foods that contain soy and chemicals that suppress testosterone levels. hormone disrupting chemicals have made their way into a variety of products, from cosmetics like sunscreen and toothpaste to plastic water bottles and thermal receipt ink.
Using the media, the economy, finances, race, fear and every other weapon they can to keep you in a constant state of stress. These environments and conditions drive up secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, which results in lower levels of the estrogen-desensitizing hormone progesterone. This relative increase in estrogen dominance is not good for either sex, but men are particularly affected by it.
Why? - Strong men inspire and lead others, protect those around them and most importantly, fight. Weak men follow.
Edit: Most insurances won't cover TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) but **will **cover testosterone if you're a woman Transitioning into a man. That's very telling.
This is really sad. I'm a woman in her 30's And I THANK God that I have a real man that has actual testosterone. I look around though and I feel sorry for women in their early 20's. Most of them have no idea what a real man is. There are really NO attractive men to look at in that age group. I see a bunch of skinny jeans wearing pansies. Their voices are high pitched and nasally and most of them are video game obsessed, wimpy soy boys who would rather sit in front of a screen all day over living in the real world. Disgusting, gay like and extremely unattractive. God help us. We NEED manly men or society is screwed.
Don't blanket a group because I know a ton that do not fit your observation above. But you are right too! LOL