How? - Attacking you with foods that contain soy and chemicals that suppress testosterone levels. hormone disrupting chemicals have made their way into a variety of products, from cosmetics like sunscreen and toothpaste to plastic water bottles and thermal receipt ink.
Using the media, the economy, finances, race, fear and every other weapon they can to keep you in a constant state of stress. These environments and conditions drive up secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, which results in lower levels of the estrogen-desensitizing hormone progesterone. This relative increase in estrogen dominance is not good for either sex, but men are particularly affected by it.
Why? - Strong men inspire and lead others, protect those around them and most importantly, fight. Weak men follow.
Edit: Most insurances won't cover TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) but **will **cover testosterone if you're a woman Transitioning into a man. That's very telling.
True. I've never seen so many fucking fruit cakes in my life. Nothing wrong with having a soft side but this is so noticeable today. I've always wondered how fucking bad our food really is and our drinking/shower/sink water etc..
Any Frens got info regarding water and best ways to purify drinking water? I drink a ton of water each day out of my Yeti mug but the water comes from Sparkletts big bottles. I stopped drinking plastic bottles for the most part. The tap water at home that we wash our dishes with and brush our teeth/shower with makes me wonder as well. Thanks
For your tap water, go to your municipal water company site and see if they have a water report handy. If not you can either request it or get it tested yourself.
Either way, you want to ensure heavy metals are really low and the fluorine and chlorine levels as low as well.
Then from there you can get a gravity type water filter system like a Berkey or look around. It’s important to know what you’re dealing with as your source.
Then add some good mineral salt (Redmond Salt is great), and a drop or two of Lugols iodine 2% into a pitcher.
Another option is to look for a natural spring in your area and see if you can just go make water runs.
Unless you’re sweating like crazy each day you don’t really need to drink that much water. You’ll get most of your water from your foods (vegetables, fats). The salt is key to good hydration.
I'm curious about Iodine, any feedback on Nascent Iodine versus Lugol's Iodine?
Good Q (heh!)… from what I’ve researched Nascent Iodine is from Cayce’s ‘energized’ Iodine, and from what I understand has very little Iodine per drop (at the micro gram level . We’re aiming for milligrams).
The goal is to saturate your tissues with Iodine, so the best form and very affordable is Lugols solution, Iodoral (basically the pill form of Lugols), and there are some other manufacturers as well, I think Biotics Research Iodizyme?.
I prefer Lugols solution 2% or 5%, it’s cheap and has both Iodine and Iodide (Iodine for body tissues, Iodide for the thyroid).
Dr Brownstein would recommend a daily intake of 25-50mg of Iodine (Lugols 2% solution, 10 drops = 25mg of Iodine).
This is just to supplement, you can get Iodine naturally, from seaweeds and from some good salts.
Ok thanks, I've heard that there are concerns with the seaweed as a lot of it comes from near Japan and may be contaminated (Fukushima possibly?) , do you know if there's truth to that? I also get the impression that you're not going to get anywhere near the amount you're talking about with just salt, it seems like people are relying solely on Lugol's.
I might end up trying both then, I don't think I've ever really had Iodine in my diet so I'd be interested to see if it has dramatic effects.
Any other major health recommendations? I do plan on getting a Berkey water filter in the near future and I'm trying to get more hardline with my dietary choices.