About a year ago, in March of 2020 I believe, Trump mentioned he wanted prayers because he was about to make the most difficult decision of his life.
Any spectulation of what that was?
About a year ago, in March of 2020 I believe, Trump mentioned he wanted prayers because he was about to make the most difficult decision of his life.
Any spectulation of what that was?
Yeah, I did like that part about dealing swiftly with uprising. We all know there are people armed and ready to go with one...always wondered though: how many? Including CCP assets? MKs? Super soldiers with no will of their own? Antifa/BLM/idiot liberals?
I'm actually torn on one related issue: seems to me it might be a nice time to REcommence those nice rallies with American flags in places like Huntington Beach and Beverly Hills, CA. Just happy rallies. But then I wonder: is that just an invitation to false flag us?
I still feel like the scenario where you catch your kid smoking, so you force him to smoke the whole pack and puke. That way he never touch cigarettes again and has an aversion to them.
How else to purge the colleges/academia? wait for it, it's going to get much worse ... until most people stop sending their kids. Hell, I'd send my kids to a really high quality vocational school or apprenticeship, if they want.
Too bad the Cabal got rid of ITTTech ...
Yeah, we're going to have to get ALL the trade schools back up and running. I'd say THAT was a matter of national security if anything ever was.
Very true!
It was academia's move to complete the strangle hold.
Look now at the wages of a Master Electrician or Plumber. Compare that to soi-boy "Women Studies" degrees....
LOL my mom made me swallow the smoke when she caught me stealing her smokes.