About a year ago, in March of 2020 I believe, Trump mentioned he wanted prayers because he was about to make the most difficult decision of his life.
Any spectulation of what that was?
About a year ago, in March of 2020 I believe, Trump mentioned he wanted prayers because he was about to make the most difficult decision of his life.
Any spectulation of what that was?
I fully trust Trump, and I fully trust Q.
I just don't want to take a drug (with known side-effects) if I don't need it. Especially if it's experimental.
Ask me again in 5 years, once the safety trials are completed. Granted, it'll probably still be "No" because I don't need a shot that doesn't prevent the disease.
Ask me again when I'm 70+, and the flu is a serious killer for my age ... I may consider it. But in roughly 30 years, I think we'll know a whole ton more about this shot than we do now.
But your points are well taken, and I'm glad I read your post.
Everyone knows when Trump said the vaccine was legit or whatever, there was a lot of wink wink nod nod, don't fucking do it actually guys, type of thing.
Thank you. My wife and I have no intention of getting it either. Just not necessary.