When The Pandemic Began
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Wouldn't they just be bailed out with funds that are holding GME in them? I figure that GME to the moon could keep some funds afloat.
Since the hedgies have been shorting millions of shares from last year (Probably between $10 - $40 per share), they MUST cover their shorted shares by the expiration date. Since they can't, they repackage them into other shorts, dark pools, Over the Counter trades, etc to buy time. They get charged interest (many millions $$) when they don't cover (i.e. Melvin Capitol with 49% loss in Q1).
If and when $hitadel gets "margin called" (proof that they have enough capitol to pay back their shorts at current market price) they will have to scramble to unload the healthy companies in the EFT's to cover the GME shorted shares. Other market makers will see this and it will be a frenzy to be the first to buy back the shorted GME shares before it skyrockets (MOASS - Mother Of All Short Squeezes).