Seems we are on track with the deck, it's incredible how even after 41 years from the release, changes included, they are still able to attain to the main 'guidelines' (at least it's what i got form this deck), interesting also how many are there related to hacking in general (Seen Anus Schwab / WEF Cyber Polygon that just launched....)
Look the Epidemic card, quarantine flag, mask, gloves, disinfectant, jab, toxic jar, seems the perfect combination that reflects the current status
Also CDC
Energy Crisis (i think will follow together always on Schwab blackouts)
For who never saw them, here is the full deck
And also a PDF version that i think was revised (there are some additional cards)
I made a T-shirt of the Enough is Enough card. Looks exactly like Trump yelling. There’s a side by side meme that is frighteningly similar. Can’t find it or I’d share it.
Serious question...why is the card "Enough is Enough" missing from the supposed "full deck" at It is the one that shows an obvious picture of President Trump, and he has used that term over and over. Says that they can end his life with a sniper at any moment if he gets out of line. The fact that it is conveniently missing should be a bright red flag.
This is the SteveJackson card game right? I had this as a kid
Yes, and after this game came out, Steve Jackson Games, Inc. was raided by the United States Secret Service, accompanied by Austin police.
Timeline, video of the 20th Anniversary gathering re the raid, and links to affidavits, the lawsuit filed by SJG, Inc vs. the USSS, and judge's decision...
Yep exactly, he made the whole series
Wow! Thanks for the links