This is great! It's about time they get forced to do their job. He should suspend their pay as well until they return to work. We need rules for our legislators. Nobody should be able to vote present, votes should happen no matter how many show up for work, and if they miss more than 10 votes, they lose their job and a special election is had to fill their place. I know if I show up for work, actively try to hold back progress, go home when I don't like what's going on, I wouldn't have my job long.
This is great! It's about time they get forced to do their job. He should suspend their pay as well until they return to work. We need rules for our legislators. Nobody should be able to vote present, votes should happen no matter how many show up for work, and if they miss more than 10 votes, they lose their job and a special election is had to fill their place. I know if I show up for work, actively try to hold back progress, go home when I don't like what's going on, I wouldn't have my job long.