Just this alone should start to make those less aware scratch their head
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I think the vax survey or whatever is just their cover story. They are going out to make their round-up lists. The people themselves going out probably believe the cover story. But really what they are trying to find out is who is compliant and who is a troublemaker. That’s why I think the best move here is to blend in with the leftists and normies. Make their lists uselessly inaccurate for the round up. Don’t even be cold to them. Act like a leftist. Be polite and friendly. Thank them for their service and their bravery. Tell them you are fully vaccinated. Don’t even be sarcastic. Be an actor in a guerilla war. Think of how the Viet Cong worked with U.S. Soldiers by day and then attacked them by night. They would wake up the next day and play the role of the good little local informant. They had to take all that emotion of a firefight and hide it the next day. American Patriots are in the same situation. Don’t get yourself on their round-up lists. We will need undercover patriots if/when they make their round-up move.