My wife is Canadian and very very much wants to go visit her family as soon as the border opens.
She told me today she wants to get vaccinated so that when it opens she can go right away.
She doesn't completely believe all of this stuff... she thinks it's a bit looney tunes... but she has had some reservations about getting the vax this entire time.
But now that the opportunity to see her family is presenting itself... she is turning blind to the vax scam and is now wanting to get it.
Can you frens help me find some good, verified, that doesnt look like its conspiracy theories... articles... or videos... explaining very clearly the true risks of getting this vaccine? Specifically the parts about how it can transfer to others through close contact.
Thanks frens... I have been digging all day for things I have read over the months but I am drawing a total blank on the best items to ask her to please read before making her decision this soon.
If she gets it she can spread to spike vaccine to you/your children/anyone around her for 24 hours so be careful.
The covid virus is literally proven to be a man made gain of function SARS virus, with who knows how many variations. So the vaccine is literally for a artificial virus, that alone is enough for me.
The vaccine doesn't help against all variants.
It is literally still in clinical trials. They have recalled 2 different brands of the vaccine and stated the side effects months after knowing it.
Twitter has literally blocked the guy that created the mRNA vaccine from talking about it..
Any variant of a virus gets weaker of the original when it evolves also, the worst is over.
Too many reasons, but since you live in Canada figure I'd drop this on you too. All them kids they are finding dead underneath churches? Queen of England etc.. There's multiple links, here's just one