In Chess notation, + is "Check" and ++ is "Checkmate". +++ ,which does not exist, might follow as "Checkmate of Checkmates":
In programming, + is "add" and ++ is "increment by one". +++ does not exist in syntax and thus is identified as "increment, then add the next number" implying "increment by more than one".
Some other interpretations include "House of Saud" as it appears next to House of Saud in Q#133. Personally I don't see the association here as it seems to be used more like a math function (2³, 2², 2^1):
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
+++ is also used as "end of message" in old-school press speak, although that's not quite applicable here.
In Chess notation, + is "Check" and ++ is "Checkmate". +++ ,which does not exist, might follow as "Checkmate of Checkmates":
In programming, + is "add" and ++ is "increment by one". +++ does not exist in syntax and thus is identified as "increment, then add the next number" implying "increment by more than one".
Some other interpretations include "House of Saud" as it appears next to House of Saud in Q#133. Personally I don't see the association here as it seems to be used more like a math function (2³, 2², 2^1):
+++ is also used as "end of message" in old-school press speak, although that's not quite applicable here.
u/PeaceAndLovePatriot has this interpretation which I like best: