We live in a time that challenges our deepest being.
And whether we are tending to religious in the traditional sense, non-denominational or even atheistic, there is a question of being that applies to all of us. Can we, within the respective paths we are walking find commonalities, despite our differences?
This is not a post of what is better, or what is wrong with people, but rather what is helpful to meet the challenges of today, to meet happiness and fulfillment and the commonalities between them.
As a guide I would share this video by Rupert Sheldrake, a scientist from Brittain with rather peculiar views, that frankly blows the mind and allows you to look at things from a wider perspective.
He discusses: spiritual practices, prayer, meditation, even pilgrimage, the commonalities between them in several religious and spiritual traditions and bridges the apparent gap between science and spirituality.
I do hope you will enjoy this even more as much as I have.
On a different but connected field of inquiry, I came across this channel made by prof. Wilfred Bastiani. Brace yourself. He is quite compact and speedy, so, despite the uplifting classical music, you might want to pause here and there.
In this particular instance, this is about freedom, which brings choice. How do we really make choices? A mirror to look into.
Peruse his channel for more food for thought.
I first heard about him in the nineties,when a friend of mine showed me the video of Wim Kayzer's: A glorious accident.
He first visited and interviewed at length several well know scientists and philosophers at length and then, in the final act, brought them together around one table. that was quite something. They could kill each other, and had nothing but contempt for Rupert Sheldrake. I found his ideas fascinating and thought provoking.
Also interesting is what Freeman Dyson let slip about his time at Bomber Command during World War II with regard to the incessant bombing of civilian targets in Germany.
Apropos Wim Kayzer: He also did the same thing with writers from several backgrounds on memory, thought and consciousness. Familiar and yet alien, it is called (Vertrouwd en o zo vreemd)
Interesting tidbit on the programs this man made:
Alternative media avant la lettre and avant la guarde.
His interview with Roger Scruton is also very interesting: Beauty and Consolation. (in relation to the topic at hand)
Added: the reason I use invidious is to prevent google spying. So from one video to the next, I use different instances of invidious. Thanks for your yt addition