posted ago by gododgers26 ago by gododgers26 +48 / -0

Think I already saw someone suggest this but just want to add visibility:

Is the Biden admin really dumb enough to think that more than a handful of vaxx holdouts will actually change their minds and agree to take a vaccine at their doorstep? Maybe, but even they have limits to their stupidity. (...Don’t they?)

The way I see it, they’ve made it uncomfortable enough to remain unvaccinated (jobs/special requirements, peer pressure, free shit, etc.) that anyone still without it is abstaining for a principled reason; certainly thru more than just your average procrastination or lack of easy opportunity.

To me, it appears much more likely that the true purpose of these home visits is to build a database for who is and isn’t already vaccinated, so that later on, when they do make it mandatory (if they get that far, anyway), they’ll have a targeted list to check in on.

Now, it’s not my place to tell anyone to lie, or how to act in general. Myself, I have no clue how I’ll respond if some gestapo fuckhead actually knocks on my door: Will I be pragmatic and smile at them, tell them yes my girlfriend and I have been vaccinated, thank you for all you’re doing? Or will my true feelings kick in, and I’ll tell them to fuck off? All I’m saying is that how one interacts with these shitheels could have very real consequences down the line. (Depending on the timeline and ultimate success of the Q op... the success part I’m not too worried about.)

Make an informed decision. WWG1WGA 🙏🏽