Is there a way to reverse image search the ballots locally without using the internet? I would like to compare each ballot image to all the rest. I know it will take forever but is there software you can run locally to perform this function?
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I don't know ow how techy you are but if you want some sort of open source software like that I would typically just search for "github reverse image search" github should have several possible solutions. You may been to know python or at another language to run it.
Lol no, if I download all of the images to my Nas I will need swbto run and compare similarities.
I will get the ballots via torrent then process them locally.
Have a look at He has been writing some code in software called PyCharm which uses Python IDE. I know nothing about coding so to me it looks very complicated and would require pretty extensive knowledge in coding. He keeps finding errors in his code and has to restart the 48 hours of computing that it takes to scan the Fulton Co. data.
I do a job similar to these audits. Would require creating a database, and giving each form a unique ID. Would take forever honestly. No known software that I can think of.
I look at CCF documents daily. Takes me roughly 6 hours a day to enter 100 documents.
Could you track the image metadata? Or run a pixel-by-pixel comparison (using ImageMagick or the like).
You could run one image and "pass the comparison through a quick sort" type algorithm. Would still take an immense amount of processing time/memory, however.
Can't you like script an OCR app to read up the text and dump in a file / database (if that's for storing purposes) and / or script a similar but that takes an image and then using some AI to match / compare?