This country was created as a Constitutional Republic. It's not a 'pure' democracy, democracy is the base, but a Republic allows for the majority to not easily rule. Our fore-fathers saw this and understood why majority rules is intolerable. Everyone gets a voice in their state. Everyone gets Representation. It helps to minimize corruption, but once the representation is no longer valid, the People no longer have reasonable representation.
The corruption is becoming clearer than ever. YOU have a choice. Soon you will be asked to either follow orders or follow the Constitution and the Patriots who founded this Country. You made an Oath to the Constitution. The Constitution was built for all, for the Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for every red blooded American.
The States have the power over the Fed. The People have the power over both.
You may wonder if this is just bloviating, but it's true. It's how the country that we enjoy, adore, and fight for every day was designed. KrissAnne (amazing Constitutional Lawyer) Hall has a great video explaining the power We the People HAVE. Its well worth the 1:23 watch. Non-Compliant Movie There was a reason for this, it prevents Oligarchy, it prevents Tyranny, but right now we have a Technocracy.
Freedom of speech is under assault via technology. That's the 1st Amendment. The right to bear arms is all that keeps America from being another of the many examples around the world (curious? See South Africa right now, don't use Go_gle, try DDG, Yandex, Brave).
You have a hard job, for those of you who continue to serve, hard days continue. For those who serve part-time, hard days are coming. For the People, even harder times are coming if those who promise to protect only serve the paycheck. The People need Veterans, those serving, those in charge to have common sense and be a Hero for the People and not the elites whom only see them as a tool for an end to their means.
These people in charge do not care about us, our families, our health. They care about power. They have been caught cheating. It's not just Dems or RINOs. They all hate us and want to keep printing money and make some other pleb sell their soul to save them.
The United States of America, a Constitutional Republic, needs to be rebuilt by, with, and from Patriots. Liberty has been raped. The tree is dying. It needs to be watered.
The Nuremburg trials made it clear. Following orders is not an excuse. Please understand the evil that is no longer lurking in this world. It's come forward. Don't be a tool of evil. Help correct the wrong, save the country, and be a hero even if you don't get a medal.
Be a tool for your family, your ancestors, the People, the Constitution!
Don't serve the New World Order, the UN, or even worse. Many are praying that when the time comes to make a choice, you make the correct one. Evil always loses. Don't be Evil.
Thank you.
A fellow Patriot full of Hope and Faith.
thank you Fren!
All I'm hoping a few see this, an maybe see it an realize they need to stand firm, stand tall, and pass it on to their fellow patriots.
They are trying to remove all good folks from all levels protection by disgust or aversion, they need to stand up before it's been done. Once their browncoats are in place it's going to be so much harder for all.
Yes, that’s what I am afraid of: it may be too late!
It's not. Have faith but prepare just in case. It never hurts to be prepared.
You’re right and prepare I shall!