The great reset is nothing more mysterious than the folks who currently control the issuance of money, collapsing that system and issuing a new system that gives them greater control.
It doesn't cost the banking system a cent to digitally create a trillion dollars, they can do so with a keystroke.
The key to surviving and thriving is to wrestle control of the monetary system away from these banking families and vest it with the public. It's idiocy to think someone or agency with that power would not eventually be corrupted. We have the technology to do this, we are currently fighting to get control back and a lot of people in gov't are co-opted and working against the interests of Americans.
The great reset is nothing more mysterious than the folks who currently control the issuance of money, collapsing that system and issuing a new system that gives them greater control. It doesn't cost the banking system a cent to digitally create a trillion dollars, they can do so with a keystroke. The key to surviving and thriving is to wrestle control of the monetary system away from these banking families and vest it with the public. It's idiocy to think someone or agency with that power would not eventually be corrupted. We have the technology to do this, we are currently fighting to get control back and a lot of people in gov't are co-opted and working against the interests of Americans.