So if a Biden administration document was accidentally leaked confirming that Clinton is sucking down adrenochrome from harvested children, and the Psaki denied it, you'd say, "Oh, okay then, nevermind, guess I was wrong,"?
I'm not telling you what to trust or not trust. I am saying that telling us the secret documents about Russia wanting to support Trump in private are false because Russia's spokesperson said so is going to be a wildly ineffective and uninspiring argument. People trust info that powerful people want to keep secret, not what the powerful people insist is true.
You guys know this better than anyone, I would assume.
So if a Biden administration document was accidentally leaked confirming that Clinton is sucking down adrenochrome from harvested children, and the Psaki denied it, you'd say, "Oh, okay then, nevermind, guess I was wrong,"?
I'm not telling you what to trust or not trust. I am saying that telling us the secret documents about Russia wanting to support Trump in private are false because Russia's spokesperson said so is going to be a wildly ineffective and uninspiring argument. People trust info that powerful people want to keep secret, not what the powerful people insist is true.
You guys know this better than anyone, I would assume.
I'd love to debate you all day but you've made so many wrong assumptions that I'll have to save this for later.