I believe patriots are intervening in false flag attempts.
First we had these four arrested near all star game:
Now this:
This is claiming two men attempted to attack democrat hq in Sacramento in support of trump to begin government overthrow.
Add in Milley’s comments and I believe they would love to narrate for everyone that trump supporters are out to overthrow the government due to their “phony” election audits. Both events occurring around major election fraud.
Imagine if these had happen. Imagine the news focus and the narrative. There would be a man hunt for trump supporters. God is watching over us. Patriots are in control.
Rogers sent Copeland a text message on January 11 that said: “I want to blow up a democrat building bad.” Doesn't it sound a little contrived for terrorists?
"I think I'm gonna get me a beer".
I want a beer too. But all the beer in Arizona sucks ass. It's all macrobrew bullshit and bunch of generic-ass IPA's. I hate IPA! It all tastes the same and every brewery has like six different versions of the same god damn beer. It's like 'Oh so this particular strain of hops requires fertilizer made from the corpse of a war orphan? Does it make the beer taste like anything other than grapefruit peel? No? Then WHY THE FUCK CAN'T YOU JUST HAVE ONE GOD DAMN IPA?'
Fuck me I haven't had a good Belgian Ale since I moved here. The only place in town that has a halfway decent selection is Total Wine but I'm not driving 45 goddamn minutes for a bottle of beer or some mead.