I live near Portland OR. I throw up in my mouth every time I see people with rainbow hair, tattoos, and piercings. I hope this mostly red state comes around.
Most have! Hope hers is one of the 550K sealed indictments.
Hang all porch pirates.
Screw Lois Lerner
What water. Newsom drained it all into the ocean!
Wow. I'm going to contact URL right away!
I thought same long ago. Tax all Western Union type transfers to Mexico at 50%.
That and enforce E-Verify.
Vegas/ NOLA both used Turo app for e-trucks, now Touro Hospital in flames. I can only take about 17 seconds of this.
Don't forget...
Ruby Ridge
Waco Siege
Fast and Furious
BS gun store inspections
"Good O' Boy Roundup" racism allegations
Entrapment tactics in Milwaukee sting
Targeting of mentally disabled individuals in stings
Loss of millions of cigarette cartons
Illegal gun registry attempts
Overzealous enforcement of minor paperwork errors
BLM (Bureau of Land Management) is no better
PS: Lauren is super hot :-)
Sounds great. Can it survive an crash / inferno and land on the sidewalk in good condition ?
Which kind? Slurpee or teepee?
THANKS. That's what I needed!
So many have said similar. My zip code said Dec 15th full moon and that's when I started. Thanks for mentioning.
I dose 1st of the month only now, but if you are starting out for the first time it would be best to do one dose and wait about ten to fourteen days and do another.
I like your answer. Maybe 1 dose 1st and 15th of month, and repeat maybe twice a year? Does that sound about right?
From OP- Thanks. Can you add more? I will say the morning after my 1st dose I, had a different experience in the boys room next morning. Like my body was saying thank you for the cleanse.
Great, another paid vacation for the bureaucrats.
I believe the higher numbers like 50+ million over all.
Cool website - thanks. My sister took photos of a drone/UFO near Portland from her SWA flight a couple days ago. Commercial pilots and ATC are discussing many events now openly here in Oregon without ridicule. My first thought was that if this whole drone thing was enemy, they would not have NAV beacons flashing. Latest theory suggested is they are hunting for dirty nuke bombs, sniffing for gamma rays.
I think two terms is a tradition and not a law.
Let DOGE handle this.
New sheriff in town.