463,456 Adverse Events...- 30,781 Hospitalizations...- 9,274 Disabled...- 3,906 Heart Attacks...- 2,466 Myocarditis Reactions...- 1,073 Miscarriages...- 10,991 Deaths...
100% safe and effective.
Holy God let this craziness end.
keep in mind, every single one of these cases was voluntary.
not the kids, they didnt ask for this.
Also some handicapped mentally disabled people have been injected against their will. This is a war crime.
Also some have been injected “voluntarily” but under duress of threat of job loss or not going to school, etc. if that were a contract a lawyer could make case the contract was done under duress and this null and unenforceable.
When the extent of the damage is fully known the organizations which forced it are in for a world of hurt legally. The vax makers are immune for now but even that is sketchy as “informed” consent might not be there. They may have consent but informed might not be there as I have seen instances where the vax info sheet is blank.