This is why so many are suffering heart and blood issues.
Ask yourselves WHY this is being ignored by government and many others. They are INTENTIONALLY pushing death on the population.
Do you understand now that the criminals WILL KILL you by the hundreds of millions to protect their power?
Graphene oxide is far cheaper than lead/brass. And it’s still being done under the MSM cover of darkness. There is a war raging and they need to quickly vaccinate before the real death wave reaches shore and its undeniably only the vaccinated.
Notice France and others now mandating national vaccines? Yet the police force was exempt? Use critical thinking why they would do this?
Yes they need to do it in a stealth way which would obviate patriots mountains of weapons.
They can’t do it directly through a pathogen because modern communications tech make it too easy to isolate populations to stop the spread of a deadly pathogen. Thus the 2 step process for direct delivery of the payload to the targets.
Scare the population with covid which is t that deadly but spreads fairly easily
Lockdowns to psychologically “prepare” people to want to get back to normal
Introduce the vaccine as ticket to get back to normal
Sheep clamor to get the proffered vaccine You are here
Next steps including coercion to get more nonsheeple to get the vax before the effects happen They do seem to be ima hurry for some reason, right? Why? The reason they are pushing so hard automatically makes my spider-sense tingle.
Death waves start from pathogenic priming, ADE and blood issues that are stating to show up in vaxxed.
Also this makes me wonder why they have locked Australia down so hard right now.
It is their winter now. As they are locked down pretty hard as I understand it, true extent of the coming death waves is being hidden until the northern hemisphere winter. Also I don’t think Australia is as vaxxed as Europe and Northern America, this may be on purpose to not tip us off of what will come. If they had vaxxed to same level they may be would be dying in droves now as it is their winter. This was to hide what will come for the northern hemisphere come this winter.