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I never pay attention to any Likes.... let alone dislikes.....!!
But it’s easy to spot the Likes collectors..... and their threads etc indeed a good few mods can’t stop them either indeed they usually Sticky the blatant click bait....!
It’s the first thing they check when they log in.....! 😂😂😂
Especially the ones that use that tired ass (<----------This many people blah blah blah) Can it get any weaker, and why do people even bother to vote on that garbage?
I would not object to a rule that people lose double the fake internet points they gained from starting those threads.
I mean the whole reason they would do it is for points, so ding them double what they gained and the dopamine hit will be negated.
The likes collectors are the worst, just like people use the downvote to disagree instead of airing that disagreement.
The downside of a system geared to resemble the function of reddit will inherently promote some off the same dysfunctional behaviors.