Gross. There are volumes written about whether the bread and wine represent or actually are the bold ans flesh of Christ, who was deemed by the Roman Church to be fully man as well as fully God. This same Church declared that the bread and wine are the literal blood and flesh. It's not intended to be representative, these people believe they are engaging in cannibalism of their God.
And please, don't fool yourself into thinking that the Roman Church isn't just a Jewish tool used to rape and pillage the beautiful pagan heritage and practice of our Europan forbears.
Ya, pretty sure the whole emphasis of the Catholic faith is eating flesh and drinking blood.
Not symbolically -
No, that's Protearantism. Look up transubstantiation vs consubstantiation.
Jesus' flesh and blood. It's all right there in the Bible.
Gross. There are volumes written about whether the bread and wine represent or actually are the bold ans flesh of Christ, who was deemed by the Roman Church to be fully man as well as fully God. This same Church declared that the bread and wine are the literal blood and flesh. It's not intended to be representative, these people believe they are engaging in cannibalism of their God.
I'm Catholic so I'm fully aware of transubstantiation.
The Jews had a problem with this, too. Nice bedfellows ya got there.
So do most cultures. Cannibalism is gross, even if it just pretend.
And please, don't fool yourself into thinking that the Roman Church isn't just a Jewish tool used to rape and pillage the beautiful pagan heritage and practice of our Europan forbears.