Praying for them.
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Censored posts on r/CovidVaccinated can be seen here... those of us who refuse the death jab will witness Holocaust 2.0 over the next several years so long as we are not hunted down and forcefully jabbed or executed by FEMA for refusing... enjoy your friends and loved ones while you can fren and make sure you can live off the grid if necessary... world leaders controlled by the cabal are hell bent on reducing the global population by 2025 and in particular the US, Canada, Australia and all of western Europe... I hope this is not the movie Q says we're watching
Thanks for links. One post had a parenthetical title: “(Please don’t delete, I’m pro-vax)”. For people who are vaxxed and worried, it must be terrifying to know that people trying to be honest are getting censored and their posts deleted.
If they are still on Reddit, they most likely cheered on the censorship when it was Donald supporters.
This is the world they begged for, in which any opinion or fact not approved by some lefty billionaire is forbidden. They got what they wanted.
It’s hysterical that they all poisoned themselves and can’t even speak openly about it because they will fall victim to their own mob. Lol
I have no sympathy for them.