If there’s a Game 7 it will be very close to all the habbenings of the audit/release of results. Also wondering if it’s meant to distract AZ pedes or something (I’m from northern AZ). I recognize that most high level sports are all rigged anyway, so ... why Phoenix?
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I remember being a Rockets fan as a kid, but I loved the Suns so much because of Charles Barkley.
Imagine how mindblown and happy I was when Barkley joined the Rockets. Unfortunately his temper and injuries meant he didn't take us to a third title. Still, he had high rebounds and produced a lot of baskets for an old player. He retired very gracefully as a Rocket and ultimately it was worth seeing as a fan.
This was way back when sports were just entertainment and not politics. The cheerleaders wore skimpy clothes and the most nefarious things the players shilled for were shoes and hamburgers.
Now unfortunately they shill for China, communism, and evil