I don’t remember which episode it is when the whole group was suffering from a mysterious infection, but Hershel had them gather elderberries and make tea as a curative. Elderberries are the perfect immune support. They can be made into tea, tincture, syrup, etc. They are easy to grow & grow wild in many parts of the country. Now is probably a good time to start thinking ahead (before flu season starts) to find a reputable seller (I would recommend someone like Mountain Rose Herbs) and get stocked up. I know it’s elderberry season since we just got a bunch off our bushes. There are as many recipes for elderberry syrup on the internet as there are cornbread recipes, but it’s super easy and requires no special equipment. We just keep ours in an old vinegar bottle in the frig & take a swig whenever the throat scratchiness starts!
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We have wild mooseberry growing here but I suspect that is not what you mean.