cheesepuff07, kek. Sounds like a fag, and a leftard. Considering how that black and white thinking mostly seems to come from their side.
There are good cops, and bad ones. Solved.
Covid is a biologically engineered weapon, a shitty Made in China one. Which is why some people even call it fake.
Maybe Trump touted the vaccine so the US wouldn't be locked down for another 3 years while our economy is strangled, people lose jobs, and people kill themselves. Lesser of two evils.
I'll admit I don't know what Biden is, but he's sure a hell NOT the same pervert from 10 years ago.
so the US wouldn't be locked down for another 3 years
That's a good point. I still think the better path would have been hyper truth telling. I mean, he's redpilled more people than anyone else that I can think of, but I think we'd be a lot further along in this war if he leaned into the truth more instead of some of the sneaky politics he plays.
For example, I think he hams up God stuff for his Christian base.
cheesepuff07, kek. Sounds like a fag, and a leftard. Considering how that black and white thinking mostly seems to come from their side.
There are good cops, and bad ones. Solved. Covid is a biologically engineered weapon, a shitty Made in China one. Which is why some people even call it fake. Maybe Trump touted the vaccine so the US wouldn't be locked down for another 3 years while our economy is strangled, people lose jobs, and people kill themselves. Lesser of two evils. I'll admit I don't know what Biden is, but he's sure a hell NOT the same pervert from 10 years ago.
That's a good point. I still think the better path would have been hyper truth telling. I mean, he's redpilled more people than anyone else that I can think of, but I think we'd be a lot further along in this war if he leaned into the truth more instead of some of the sneaky politics he plays.
For example, I think he hams up God stuff for his Christian base.