This article is long, but is the definitive resource for understanding how the unfolding of the Ivermectin story is bringing the mechanisms of control from out of the fog.
Understanding the TNI and IFCN seems important for recognising potential weaknesses and helping others to see how and why the messaging is being centrally controlled.
they don't care about selling you cans of coke, not at first anyway, they only care first and foremost about increasing this bullshit credit score with woke dogshit.
the only time they bother caring is when we all nut up and boycot something so badly that they have to take a credit hit in order to get some of their customers back.
great fucking question
Yeah i've been doing a ton of research into this shit and it's astonishing how entangled this is into everything. It's now actually a crime to not be woke because it's the CEO's fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders to "do whats best for the company's bottom line" and this social credit score is tied to that estimation.
So if they don't care more about the woketivism than they do retaining their customers they can be fired from their jobs.
What is helping us is every time one of these companies takes a hit in the mouth for doing this bullshit, it sets the precedent that sales matter more than image.
We need to all unify against this shit and anytime they launch a woke campaign to gain this social credit score... we attack them, flood the stockholders with the reason for the attack, and ensure that the loss is public and brutal.
It's the only way to stop this.