Read a book. I would suggest starting at a junior high level; you are asking relativistic questions without a grasp of Newtonian physics
There is no such thing as escape altitude. The sun feels our gravity. We feel Saturns, Mars and other planets gravity - it causes minute “wobbles” in our orbits
Keplers laws on Orbital Mechanics will explain the hows and why’s; but until you grasp Newtonian physics and some bit of calculus- it’s a pointless question
Read a book. I would suggest starting at a junior high level; you are asking relativistic questions without a grasp of Newtonian physics
There is no such thing as escape altitude. The sun feels our gravity. We feel Saturns, Mars and other planets gravity - it causes minute “wobbles” in our orbits
Keplers laws on Orbital Mechanics will explain the hows and why’s; but until you grasp Newtonian physics and some bit of calculus- it’s a pointless question