more dog comms... ?
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Did more than most humans?
You mean he learned to how to read, write, do basic math, usee his opposable thumbs to manipulate complex devices...
... or maybe he just helped disabled people like he was trained to by humans, sniffed some other dogs dirty assholes and occasionally ate his own vomit.
I get really really tired of people anthropomorphizing animals. They're here to serve us, but they aren't us. They're far below us in almost every category except for some enhanced sensory inputs.
It's hugely denigrating to the human race to ever say something as ridiculous as "he did more than most humans". How lowly must you think most humans are to think a dog can do more than billions of us?
I disagree with the idea that they're here to serve us. They're wonderful companions and are (mostly) pure gud.
That being said, I do find it silly to so easily dismiss human nature. We shouldn't forget that mankind got to where we are because we stayed behind for those who couldn't keep up. Because we put value in life over utility. And that emotional intelligence (which, despite what the left wants to believe, they're extremely lacking, given at least one study in which they were incapable of accurately guessing conservative values whereas conservatives could guess theirs - if anyone has the study on hand, please share) is a large part in what paved the way to the innovations that has made it possible for even the slowest and to catch up.
Further more, while there are certainly huge stories of animals befriending another animal, they're huge because they're pretty rare. Not to diminish them in the slightest - it's a jungle out there, after all. I just think we should remember that while we are capable of doing bad, we also have beautiful inherent qualities in us that make human to animal companionships far more common than a dingo and a dropbear, for instance.
When a bird has a borked wing, you can bet there are people out there who would readily nurse it back to health. And that's wonderful.
Great response to my comment.
First off, I am prone to moments of hyperbole when I see something stupid or irritating to me and I tend to go overboard in the opposite direction to try to counter the stupidity.
I agree that animals make great companions. Well at least the ones that don't constantly try to slice, dice and turn you into julienne fries with natural ketchup.
I think there's something great and noble that shows the unique characteristics of humans that we will stop what we're doing and slow down to help out the animals around us. Like you said, there's pretty much nothing else on the surface of the planet that will do that.
You won't see a hawk swoop down and carry a turtle out of an approaching wave of flames in a forest fire. But you will find humans scouring that forest to try to help anyone and any animal that survives and that's what makes humanity something to really appreciate in aggregate.
That's one of the things that I love about conservative ideals. Conservatism doesn't pander to the lowest common denominator of humanity. Instead it sets goals and then says "Hey, why don't you get off of your ass and help us achieve these goals and we'll help you out along the way... and in helping us, you'll be helping yourself too."
It's too easy to be pessimistic over our own nature when we compare the purity of chonks to the harshness of the concrete jungle, especially when not exposed to the harshness of an actual jungle. That being said, I still find cats endearing, if a little... Well... Prickish. You know it. I know it. Every cat owners knows it.