First, the more innocuous: Do for Covid testing what CVS and Walgreens did for doctor visits. Make it crazy cheap, fast, and available all over the world. Lots of money to be made on that alone, hedging that the entire world will use this for anything ranging from allowing an employee with sniffles back to work to permitting people to eat at a restaurant, attend an event, fly, etc. Prove you don't have the Rona or no admittance for you.
Second, with covid testing being used in a similar way as the vaccine passport (possibly even replacing it if it can't be forced on the people), the test results can determine what you can do. Positive for the CCP virus? No travel for you. But who controls the test results? It quickly becomes: Oh, your social media indicates you don't support Hollywood degeneracy, CRT, sexual deviance, child sacrifice, etc? Looks like you're positive for "long covid." Better quarantine for the next year.
Two fold, in my opinion.
First, the more innocuous: Do for Covid testing what CVS and Walgreens did for doctor visits. Make it crazy cheap, fast, and available all over the world. Lots of money to be made on that alone, hedging that the entire world will use this for anything ranging from allowing an employee with sniffles back to work to permitting people to eat at a restaurant, attend an event, fly, etc. Prove you don't have the Rona or no admittance for you.
Second, with covid testing being used in a similar way as the vaccine passport (possibly even replacing it if it can't be forced on the people), the test results can determine what you can do. Positive for the CCP virus? No travel for you. But who controls the test results? It quickly becomes: Oh, your social media indicates you don't support Hollywood degeneracy, CRT, sexual deviance, child sacrifice, etc? Looks like you're positive for "long covid." Better quarantine for the next year.