The Olympics begin July 23rd in Tokyo (July 22nd in the US) and there are some interesting comms going on. I haven't cracked them, but there is some kind of coordination going on here.
July 22nd, 2020 Q posts here:
July 23, 2019 Q posts here:
July 22nd, 2019 Q posts here:
This look like a comm to me, but I haven't quite figured it out. Japan's strange "anti-sex" cardboard beds for the Olympics. (No #$%ing around, people).
They were comms before. Why is the news so fascinated with sex at the Olympics? I remember thinking the articles like this were weird. I need to try and decode them, but they definitely send comms through the Olympics.
Or this one back in the day:
DS has been putting up crazy pressure to get the Olympics cancelled, but it didn't work. Japan is in a joke of a state of an emergency until August 22nd.
And this article is likely a comm:
This one again with the 6s and 23s:
(Article title "Tokyo Olympics: Poland send six swimmers home after selecting too many by mistake")
6 = 66(6) 23 = forced out/ resignation/ Grand Jury size 17 = Q clearance
Poland sends 23 swimmers, but has to send 6 back because Poland is only allowed 17
Now that is a very obvious comm. Those numbers aren't coincidence. I never realized before that if you subtract 6 from 23 you get 17. That must be another reason they love using those numbers.
Also the Delta variant crap is going into hyper mode as the Olympics approach. Why all the DS panic about the Olympics? It was clear to me from comms that the DS wanted the Olympics stopped, but I'm not sure why.
There will be almost no audience at the games. The camera footage will be carefully controlled. They have them under tight control so why did they want them stop?
(btw, history lesson: 81 years ago the 1940 Tokyo Olympics were cancelled due to WW2. 81 is important in the Kabbalah Numbering system that the DS seems to often use in their number comms. If the Tokyo Olympics had been cancelled in 2021 it would have completed the 81. They've been denied completion.)
Not sure what you're saying.
You're saying my analysis is wrong if they aren't held, but then you go onto agree that they will be held.
"Yet it was not cancelled".
Yes. That's what I said.
I'm not sure what you mean about the vaccines. Vaccinations are still proceeding just fine in Japan.
Could you provide a link to what evidence you have of this?
"Japan will not be able to proceed with vaccinations until next year".
Erm, no. They are vaccinating right now.
"DS pressure didn't work" part.
The propaganda worked very well. And it formed the public opinion to cancel the Olympics.
But DS still failed to get it cancelled.
"Japan will not be able to proceed with vaccinations until next year" This is a machine translation error.
The vaccination itself is done. However, there is a significant delay due to an accident.
However, regarding the reason for the shortage of supply, we must consider the possibility of excessive demand. After all, unfortunately, the mainstream of Japanese people are sheep.
Sources of supply suspensions and postponements due to vaccine shortages These are Japanese sources, so please use Deepl to translate them.
Nationwide News:
Local News:
I hope this gives you an accurate idea of what I mean.