I know I'm not the first to bring this up, and I do really believe that there are too many coincidences for Q to be nothing.
But we have to realistically take into account that this all could be some type of major psyop to placate the most passionate Americans who if there wasn't a "plan" would already have taken some action against what is happening right now. I felt like the tipping point was last summer with the BLM riots and with the election madness the final straw.
Now we are in like this limbo, a few bread crumbs thrown our way, we are always told to watch out for false flags, don't get caught going out or being apart of anything, lay low.... all the ticks and tocks for months now.... just seems really convenient.
At some point it's going to be too late, I fear we are quickly approaching this point, I'm not the person to know what to do about it, but if people who know what to do don't stand up and do it... it's going to be too late.
The plan is laid out in detail in the updated Law of War manual. There are procedures in place to deal with exactly this type of enemy occupation. The actors putting on this pantomime are doing so for the benefit of the slumbering who wont listen to the truth, but have to be shown. This battle will be fought in mind, not the streets. Biden was NEVER in control.
Good reminder about the Law of War manual, 11.x's etc.