I was having a similar conversation with my sister the other day. All of my husband's family has bought into the Covid narrative. Both conservative and liberal. I have gotten so tired of the passive aggressive emails trying to convince us that Covid is serious, sharing stories of someone they know that has it, how masks work, need to get vaxxes. They are now freaking out about the Delta Variant and the (fake) hospilization rates of unvaxxed. So I was venting to my very based sister about how tiresome all of this is and how frustrating it is that they won't listen to my point of view and how they have forgotten their faith in God. We can not stop death when it is on God's timeline.
I was having a similar conversation with my sister the other day. All of my husband's family has bought into the Covid narrative. Both conservative and liberal. I have gotten so tired of the passive aggressive emails trying to convince us that Covid is serious, sharing stories of someone they know that has it, how masks work, need to get vaxxes. They are now freaking out about the Delta Variant and the (fake) hospilization rates of unvaxxed. So I was venting to my very based sister about how tiresome all of this is and how frustrating it is that they won't listen to my point of view and how they have forgotten their faith in God. We can not stop death when it is on God's timeline.