410 CodeMonkeyZ's Telegram channel RESTORED! Follow him here: (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by catsfive 3 years ago by catsfive +411 / -1 65 comments download share 65 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Ron Watkins, aka CodeMonkey, was the creator of 8Kun that was where Q was posting and had his own board. When Q mentioned /CM/, he was talking to CodeMonkey.
I think you're confusing Ron with his father.
In any event, so what? Does that make him beyond critique?
Do you agree with his action of going on HBO and trying to represent us anons, even though you know his name (making him NOT anon)?
Do you agree with his action of linking to NeonRevolt, paytriot, namefag and community divider?
Q wanted us to be anon for a very good reason, so some idiot can't step forward and represent us as a group.
Whatever his intention, he is no more important than every other anon on this board, if anything he's detrimental to the cause for above said reasons.