Been away for 4 days.....with my PC unavailable and locked down...yet...2days ago someone was commenting on my Acct. here on GA....forewarned is forearmed. If it's happened to me others amongst us are in the same boat.
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I believe you, I just wish you would have kept them up for display to prove the point. Obviously they would be opposing who you are, and you being on this site [which is why they would attack you]. It's odd that it was on a hiatus you had and that they didn't change your password afterward.
Did you take a screenshot?
No I did not.. I expect the MOD's can redact what they want..if they need to Wish I had however....i admit to being mad...still am....pulled up the backup router and the primary's log's log is soon to be viewed if my problem was local then I will let you all know.
No traffic in No traffic out No remote traffic in... Nothing over WiFi other then ubiquity in my guest house...filled with roku netflix and amazon prime connection data.