The entire system is rigged and freedom is an illusion. As George Carlin once said they call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. The real difference between right and left is one choses not to partake and the other tries to prevent everyone else from doing so. It's individualism vs collectivism and libertarian vs authoritarian. Free market and liberty vs command economy and force. One wants to be left alone and one wants to control you. Socialism is just neo feudalism and both are still leftist.
The entire system is rigged and freedom is an illusion. As George Carlin once said they call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. The real difference between right and left is one choses not to partake and the other tries to prevent everyone else from doing so. It's individualism vs collectivism and libertarian vs authoritarian. Free market and liberty vs command economy and force. One wants to be left alone and one wants to control you. Socialism is just neo feudalism and both are still leftist.
It's a big club. And YOU ain't in it!