Batoutofhellsing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fear isn't weakness, not acting out of fear is weakness. There is a difference. Bravery is not fearlessness, that is naivete or ignorance, bravery is acting anyway in spite of your fear to overcome it.

Batoutofhellsing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not to mention shotgun ammo without a gun to use it. Sounds more like they asked a Californian.

Batoutofhellsing 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've been saying a long time transgender surgery is eugenics hidden by virtue signaling. It serves a dual function. Mtf who get the surgery usually become docile because they are spending most if the day dilating or recovering from it and if not they become terrorists or kill themselves. Ftm usually become radicalized terrorists terrorists or kill themselves regardless of the surgery but the surgery intensifies it for them. Their bodies and minds are wrecked by hormones and surgery and often get necrosis and infections.

Batoutofhellsing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Masks don't stop viruses but they do stop mouth breathers from drooling sneezing or coughing spittle on your food while preparing it. Sort of like hair nets are used to stop hair from getting in your food. They should be allowed but not mandatory for food preparation much like hairnets but don't need to be used at the counter.

Batoutofhellsing 1 point ago +1 / -0

You obviously don't get it then. I already said not every Muslim blows up buildings. It's about the double standards and virtue signaling they use to manipulate the left. Give an inch they take a mile. If they become a majority the can abolish the constitution because the citizens are the ones who can. And mark my word they will given half the chance. Stuff like 911 is the least of our concerns when it comes to jihad when we have foreign spies in the government leaking secrets to the enemy like ilhan Omar. If we have a Muslim politician they are working against us from within and swear on the Koran they hold over our constitution. They are not allowed to take non Muslims as a real friend and only use us for power until they don't need us. Even the ones that look innocent are doing a minor form of non violent jihad where their goal is to replace and get rid of us. It's very similar to zionism and just as powerful. They also hate each other. They're as bad as the Chinese ccp which is another different world domination organization that pushes their version of the nwo. They are winning a propaganda cold war.

Batoutofhellsing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most actually would like to spread it like the plague even if they themselves are not blowing things up, there is many forms of jihad which I doubt you fully grasp, as most people just don't as they haven't taken the time to, or you wouldn't be defending them. Ilhan Omar is an example of political and social jihad. Keep them out of the western world we cannot co exist. They have to stay in their own country because it's us or them. We have to fix their counter by getting rid of terrorists not let them come here to make it like it is where they fled from. Even the ones you say are good would change the law of the land to sharia law In a heart beat. If they were truly good they would see Islam for the death cult it is and abandon it as soon as they get a chance to flee their country. I don't mind people that were Muslim and now are not coming here because they would be put to death there and do not want sharia law. Either you are not fully understanding what I'm saying or are not bothering to read it properly because I already said it's not the people it's their death cult. Anyone part of the death cult needs to abandon it because they worship Satan. Allah is Satan. They don't know and will deny it but they removed satanic verses from the koran.

Batoutofhellsing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice projection cia shill. Very quick to defend the feds, pretty sus. You strawmaned me and think you actually made a real argument but created a fake one because you couldn't address what I actually said. You really are not worth anyone's time and you look like an obvious glowfag. You should get a job at cnn they'd love you.

Batoutofhellsing 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don't know as much about Islam as you think and it's really not your fault because the virtue signaling of late made the newer generations and old generations forget about multiple past major Islamic terrorist attacks all over the world. I suggest watching some of those recent taliban execution videos the other scriptures that are worse than the Koran and here are some educational youtube video channels that reference the scripture. They are putting on an act like China denies concentration camps that have Muslims which is messed up. I just want the extremists that want to blow themselves up with us to be taken care of so everyone can reform it to be not so head rapey and head cut offy. And they really need to have a discussion with us about what getting stoned is, inside a building without rocks preferably. The difference is there are still medieval assholes who act on the old texts and do violent things like kill their daughter for holding hands with a boy without a face covering. And I thought Walmart was bad. The places where the westerns vacation are typically saver for appearance but you would be suicidal to go out of where the tourist areas go same in a lot of countries people think of as safe.




Batoutofhellsing 1 point ago +1 / -0

The hadith and sunna are not part of the Koran but are held in the same regard. It gets worse there. Difference is they act on it and actively seek to spread a religion built on warfare. We've already seen what they can do and if you looked at all for recent taliban execution videos because there is plenty. Don't be an apologist for jihadist. The only ones not part of it are forced to stay and want to leave the faith but are afraid of being hunted down and killed wherever they go. That or they are just lying about their knowledge because anyone who has seen it wouldn't defend it. It's not the people it's the cult. It was founded by a warlord pedo who took a bunch of stories from Judaism Christianity pagan religions and Hinduism heard because he couldn't read then he added war tactics and called it a religion. You don't know Islam as much as you think you do, it's basically like a secret society. Islam is more than a religion it's totalitarianism and all encompassing in every aspect of life from pol8to economics to social status. Their goal is get their foot in the door. Play the victim minority. Become majority. Establish Sharia law. Their true law they hold over over the law of whatever land you're in.

Batoutofhellsing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some of the people are good but their faith is not. That's why leaving it is punished by death. It's the so called religion not the people I hate. Talk to some people who left the faith or watch their youtube videos. Apostate prophet is good. I studied Islam myself for a while and can show you some sources of their religion being terrible and making the people who believe it terrible. The good people want to leave there for a reason. The Islamic slave trade continues to this day even though they say it ended. It was worse than the trans Atlantic trade in every way. It is a war oriented religion with the goal of world domination, Muhammad was a warlord who married a 6 year old and raped her at 9 because children can't consent. He would suck on the tongue of little boys. It's all written down and they are allowed to lie about their religion to spread it and conquer an enemy aka kafir, sacred lying is called taqiyya. Their definition of peace is a world without non Muslims. Also their version of Jesus, which isn't really him they just lie and say it is to make our religions seem closer to convert us, wasn't crucified for our sins and you can be put to death for saying he was like you can be put to death for saying Muhammad was black as he had pale white skin and owned black slaves.

Batoutofhellsing 2 points ago +2 / -0

It wasn't just mockingbird deepstate propaganda reporting on it though. Many of the places we use were posting evidence. Many gore sites similar to how live leak was have their execution videos too. Islam has it part of their faith to conquer the world under their religion that allows child marriage. Read the Koran hadith and sunna. They are barbaric.

Batoutofhellsing 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's only in the city areas. All the rural areas hate him more than people from other states. They threw out votes same as before and many couldn't even get to vote. I know several people who had them tossed and the vote was visible through the ballot envelopes without opening.

Batoutofhellsing -1 points ago +1 / -2

Nice strawman. That's what the left does. Are you sure you're not one of them?

Batoutofhellsing 4 points ago +4 / -0

Speaking of recalls. It's a shame Newsom didn't get kicked out of his spot. The rigging was obvious though.

Batoutofhellsing 1 point ago +3 / -2

I didn't know it was disingenuous to call someone who was in the cia for any number of time cia. News to me lol. I believe you're correct. Even if it was a short time and under Trump a lot of people close to him were betrayers and not all were found out. Someone like him can easily be an informant to leak things and frame them against him, without being caught is more tricky but not impossible. I don't trust most government even if they were close to Trump because Pence and others. And that still makes him cia. You never actually leave the cia, you just distance yourself appearance wise. They still have perks and access to things and connections don't just go away when you quit. If anything higher rank like director means more ability to hide corruption and "double agent" style behavior. CIA is swamp.

Batoutofhellsing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Prepare for the worst but hope for the best. I hope it's true but it seems too good to be. Cheers to hopium.

Batoutofhellsing 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's why they're already starting to legalize pedophilia starting with leftist shitholes. It must be stopped.

Batoutofhellsing 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are literally killing women for bad cooking. And took 13 year old child slave brides because they can't say no. They're still Islamic which is an anti Christian death cult. Sorry to burst your bubble but they're just as bad. They just hate the global cabal as much as we do. Gotta be careful with the enemy of our enemy.

Batoutofhellsing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Taliban are doing some great trolling for being complete savages. Peak irony.

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