I kept him home from camp because he’s pretty miserable. We plan to travel next Tuesday to visit family. Timing couldn’t be worse. Should I call frontline doctors? Can I get meds without a positive test?
Well, found a place to get ivermectin for all of us. And then I had a change of heart and got him tested. Whaddya know? He’s negative for covid! It’s just a summer cold. And a bad one at that.
When we caught whatever last year and tested positive, a doctor friend told us to take: Quercetin with Bromelain, Balanced Immune System Selenium 200 mcg Zinc Beta Carotene for Immune and Eye Health Pqq 20mg (pyrroloquinoline Quinone) Q Mixers Tonic Water, Premium Tonic Water Gargle with salt water
Take the vitamins with food as the beta carotene made me feel queasy on an empty stomach. Seemed like overkill with all the pills, but started feeling normal in less than a week. Hope he feels better soon.