someone called you out on your faggotry, and you were so assblasted over it you created an alt using the gay catch phrase you came up with for mcaffee... then you used that alt in a patheticly transparent attempt to add validity and support to your faggorty because nobody else would...
...and i caught you and called you out on it.
...and you think you got to me?
again... you're an irredeemable faggot, thanks for proving it to everyone.
More important than far out, you’re just a dickless internet worm.
nice alt faggot
someone called you out on your faggotry, and you were so assblasted over it you created an alt using the gay catch phrase you came up with for mcaffee... then you used that alt in a patheticly transparent attempt to add validity and support to your faggorty because nobody else would...
...and i caught you and called you out on it.
...and you think you got to me?
again... you're an irredeemable faggot, thanks for proving it to everyone.
I used to think you’re nuts, now I can see you’re just a fuckin idiot lmao