There will be one very important reason. It's to show the half-asleep Republicans which of the RINOs will throw out their civil liberties without a moment's hesitation without Trump there to stop them from doing so.
Mark my words, I've never been more sure in my life that this is the next stage. Especially as the audits near completion and release, and the Deep State attempts to prepare another offensive for the 2022 elections.
Yes and this VET who still believes in his oath is ready AND WILLING to take some evil ones down.
God bless you. 🙂
God Bless you too fren, God Bless us ALL and America. I think the second calling is upon us. We must not fail.
Second calling is here. We’re getting boomeranged into a new world. But humanity is going to have to experience “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” on a grand level before we level up. Keep faith