It always comes back to Meng Wanzhou. My guess is they're trying to use Podesta to rescue their CFO. Podesta probably knows a thing or two about how to clear a crook out of jail. When Meng gets extradited to the US we'll know for sure the Plan is working and the house of cards is going to come crashing down like a freight train flying off the edge of a canyon. Here's my take on this whole scenario.
I can't tell if the Chinese communism is invading Canada in an attempt to bring Meng back or if China's goal was Canada to begin with and having Meng there is more of a safe haven to her so the Chi-Coms can run ops.
The Canadian government is one step away from being under complete Chinese control. My optimistic guess is that Meng is being held by their conservative party as a last ditch effort to avoid a communist take over. She could finger Chinese agents in Canada probably at put the progressives up there in an unpleasant situation. I kept wondering why Trudeau wouldn't just send her safely back to China being that he's a commie. It dawned on me. He might not be able to do anything about it because their conservatives are stonewalling him.
If she's being kept by the conservatives they are most likely being reluctant to extradite her to the US because then that gives Trudeau and the Chi-Comms the opportunity to wrap up the country.
If this is the case then extradition now would be a bad idea because it might cause the conservatives to collapse. We would need to support Canada's conservatives until they get back into power and push out the progressives. At that point we could extradite her and bring her to court.
If we bring her to court we can get disclosure about the exact people in the Obama administration involved in fronting money, weapons and equipment to Iran.
It must be annoying to have to deal with that crazy world of Chinese Technology Heiresses, Saudi Oil Magnates, American Real Estate Moguls, Hungarian Financers and English Royals. I would imagine it's like trying to finally nut after a 6 hour love making session but never really being able to finish the job.
Yeah. That's probably a good call.
they're laughing at us.
It always comes back to Meng Wanzhou. My guess is they're trying to use Podesta to rescue their CFO. Podesta probably knows a thing or two about how to clear a crook out of jail. When Meng gets extradited to the US we'll know for sure the Plan is working and the house of cards is going to come crashing down like a freight train flying off the edge of a canyon. Here's my take on this whole scenario.
It must be annoying to have to deal with that crazy world of Chinese Technology Heiresses, Saudi Oil Magnates, American Real Estate Moguls, Hungarian Financers and English Royals. I would imagine it's like trying to finally nut after a 6 hour love making session but never really being able to finish the job.
Here's the politico link