Cheers! 🍺
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You have a hubris problem lately brother. Don't get offended or defensive. Just go take a break or something. You'll be alright.
Until you sort it though your comments are just going to suck more and you're going to burn out on this with no positive feedback from others.
LOL nice try rando who joined 17 days ago
This board is an extension of the anon world. If you really think identity counts for more than the value of the message, then you forget where you are.
We can look at information critically ourselves. You sound like you would be more comfortable on Reddit.
Can you explain what your beef with me is? What did I say that offended you? Please be specific.
Simply? Your messages seem to be consistent mockery and flanderization.
McAfee business is something we're going to track. Fact. Whether its real or a troll, how could we possibly ignore that?
UN movements need to be watched. Stories that cry wolf and turn to mockery after are a conditioning tactic to foster complacency. Don't mock it too much. UN movements need to be watched.
Jenna -- I don't care about that stuff. Reality TV drama to stir up controversy. These people all post and interview and speak for a reason. That reason is never as trivial as voicing their personal opinions or telling the truth.
The magnetic vaccines, are a flanderization to minimize the real issues. They are unneccessary, ineffective, and dangerous -- and the push for vaccination despite that are the real issues. Flanderization impedes discussion of the real issues.
Bush is a scumbag. The Jew shit is bait to take the conversation off what scumbags these people are, and make it a muddy watered conversation about Jews.
The blood studies are interesting. Can this be verified by independent researchers? The most important question of the 21st century. Applies to everything.
5G was pushed too hard and at too great an expense, and the hype around it was inorganic fake news. No one really gave 2 shits about 5G. Its an issue. One that we don't have enough facts on. People should be talking about it.
This is who we are. We look at far-out shit and analyze everything in as free a discourse as possible. It gets stupid sometimes but temper only when needed.