I am serious when I say this...I believe there is some form of a plan but there should be lower level arrests happening constantly. Not everything warrants a 5 year investigation and it makes me incredibly nervous that we see basically zero low level arrests happening.
We know tons of people from politicians to FBI agents to medical professionals have lied, obstructed and in many ways committed various crimes. We know there are sealed indictments, and we know their are human trafficking busts, but a few waves of low level arrests would be nice and give me a lot more hope that there is a plan moving quickly. It would do exactly zero harm to the plan to arrest some lower rung guys or even some of the middle rung.
Where are they? Are their abunch that i just miss because we dont know their names publicly?
Don't worry, it is a new kind of 5-D chess. They can steal our pieces whenever they want regardless of any rules but we have to play by the rules and if we can see a piece we can take we point it out and let them have it back. But don't worry we are winning - we are told.
I just hope that when the time comes to take action we will still have some pieces left.