Hi everyone,
I'm looking for some tips re: how to have a close, connected relationship with my wife who's asleep. We have been drifting further apart since I started waking up since November. Do any of you have a GOOD STRONG CONNNECTED relationship with your spouse who's asleep? Any tips?
I'm not looking for tips on how to wake her up because often my attempts to red-pill has caused even more disconnect. I'm looking for tips for how to have a GOOD STRONG CONNECTED relationship despite the awake vs. asleep difference.
For context of our difference, my wife was double-vaxxed ASAP and disregards my conclusions about anything when people in authoritative positions say otherwise. We're both Christians, but it's different now. I think I was spiritually woken up and I see the world differently. She's asleep and not interested in waking up and I feel like she wants me to fall back asleep in order to connect. Problem is.. I don't want to go back to sleep. Any tips are appreciated!
My husband was asleep since I started falling down rabbit holes in 2007. He kind of just left me to my little autistic special interests (hence my username). Geopolitical stuff has always interested me whereas he’s more into gaming. We’ve been friends for nearly 27 years and have been together for 24 and although I no doubt bored him senseless he just listened when I’d waffle on. As time has gone on he’s seen more and more stuff that I was talking about being proven right and he’s now woken up totall and is off pursuing rabbit holes of his own. I never really bombarded him with stuff, I’d just mention stuff like the odd way the media fawned over Obama, which mirrored the way the UK press treated Tony Blair in 1997 (even the same nickname - Bambi). Then when GEOTUS announced his candidacy my gut said from the minute he came down the escalator “he’s going to win it” and I discovered The Donald and he sort of absorbed a lot by osmosis. With the pandemic stuff I have known from the get go it was BS & this whole thing has red pulled him so hard cos he’s a nurse, and so are a lot of his family so it directly affects us. I I’ve always had the approach that you can lead a horse to water. I don’t like arguing with people so I prefer to drop pills by asking questions and leaving folks to work out an answer. It’s worked with him, his dad (who famously once said to me -about GEOTUS - that media wouldn’t be allowed to publish stuff if it were false) and my nephew and our kids are questioning. I’ve always said when reading any information “consider the source” and although I am aware of a lot of information from this whole thing I don’t believe a lot of it (other than God) , I watch and wait and see how things shake out. If my husband hadn’t fell into this eventually as he has I’d still love him & he me. We are best friends and that’s above everything. If your other half isn’t onboard, go gently and drop questions rather than statements and let her navigate her way through.
I just found it better than trying to convince people, as sometimes their own ego will kind of block them from being receptive - no one likes to realise they are wrong after all. I found that if I asked questions, they’d go digging themselves and it would also prompt more conversations as they found out more info and made more connections.
My husband and I are best friends, too. I was awakened Nov. 22, 1963 as a child, but discovering Q about a month after the first post was explosive on the awakening curve! Even I never dreamed there was SO. MUCH. EVIL. And, committed by those we trust the most. Once I found out, all of the pieces fit together perfectly like an evil puzzle.
I have shared everything with him by reading the Q posts and research. He's good with everything except 9/11...he shuts down when I discuss the subject and so I no longer mention it. I feel for couples that aren't best friends.
I feel this is my path chosen for me by God; to learn and spread truth among family and friends and to pick up the pieces for those who are shattered when the truth is revealed.
If he hasn’t watched The Matrix, watch it with him. An avid gamer will relate and perhaps wake him up
Oh we’ve watched that a few times and our eldest 2 kids have watched it also
Thank you for sharing and for the advice.