Hi everyone,
I'm looking for some tips re: how to have a close, connected relationship with my wife who's asleep. We have been drifting further apart since I started waking up since November. Do any of you have a GOOD STRONG CONNNECTED relationship with your spouse who's asleep? Any tips?
I'm not looking for tips on how to wake her up because often my attempts to red-pill has caused even more disconnect. I'm looking for tips for how to have a GOOD STRONG CONNECTED relationship despite the awake vs. asleep difference.
For context of our difference, my wife was double-vaxxed ASAP and disregards my conclusions about anything when people in authoritative positions say otherwise. We're both Christians, but it's different now. I think I was spiritually woken up and I see the world differently. She's asleep and not interested in waking up and I feel like she wants me to fall back asleep in order to connect. Problem is.. I don't want to go back to sleep. Any tips are appreciated!
u/Sunnywindows is giving good advice, fren. And i can relate, and that same advice is how I've gotten my marriage back on track too.
I've been with my beloved wife for nearly 20 years (long engagement of 12 of those) with nary a fight over any topic that whole time. Then covid hit, and we couldnt talk about it with eachother rationally. Her colleagues started dying in india and just up north of us which shook her hard. I started getting blackpilled on the vaccines. She wound up getting astra vacs shot number 1, and i am still dead against having it. It was tearing us apart, any time one of us brought it up.
We only came through this by realising the fear was the bit pulling us apart. Since then we have been more conscious of talking about our fears more openly. We recognise we are on opposite sides of the fence here, and slowly she has started to come around to seeing it isnt all people are saying it is.
Shes against me getting the pfizer or moderna vacs now (which are the only ones available to me here), and is slowly seeing they are using this disease as a vector for control. Shes getting more and more redpilled on everything else by the day.
Love is what you must focus on. Dont watch any more fear porn on the vacs or the virus. And remember always, God wins. Im praying for my wife's protection before i fall asleep each night, and for God's will to be seen by everyone. Seems to be helping, at least thats what i think.
Thanks for sharing and for the tip of restricting fear porn on vacs/the virus!
It's amazing when the two of you came to realize what it truly was underlying each of your reactions.
My wife and I are in the middle part of your story right now. I think this thread helped a lot and by God's help--I'm sure we'll get out of this rut fairly soon.