The best rationalization for banning vaxxed would be shedding of spike proteins and prions, or vaxxed being covid carriers. But banning people is too much like being the mirror image of the left.
We need a parallel patriot economy, even if there was no such thing as the poison jabs. If even half the patriots stop funding the cabal with their hard-earned dollars, we'd break them so fast.
I mean if tour a pro freedom why would you deny service to those who made the choice to be jabbed?
The best rationalization for banning vaxxed would be shedding of spike proteins and prions, or vaxxed being covid carriers. But banning people is too much like being the mirror image of the left.
I was thinking that while typing as well.
I can dig the troll.
The libturds actually WANT segregation. We would be giving them exactly what they have said they want.
It is just so insane. The self awareness is absolutely lost on them.
Lord help them.
IKR. And they would try to blame and label us as rayciss.
any attempt to do this will frame whites as nazis. You know. I know it. We all know it.
At this point do you really care about being “framed as”?
Im an antisemite so...
We need a parallel patriot economy, even if there was no such thing as the poison jabs. If even half the patriots stop funding the cabal with their hard-earned dollars, we'd break them so fast.
Sure you can. And you have an actual.medical reason for it unlike them. Shedders are dangerous.
Might be better to advertise "all welcome, unvaxxed and shedders."