If we're "super-deplorable", and there is a super deadly virus that's going to kill everyone. I mean there were tons of us protesting on Jan 6 without masts, and then tons of people packed together at the Trump rally.
Shouldn't the libtards be Why not encourage Drump supports to not wear masks and not get the jab? That way corona-chan can take care of all of the Qtards?
They've criminalized getting sick. Getting sick is just a normal human thing; that is why we have a immune system and beneficial foods and drugs to boost it when needed. Nowadays, you get a little sniffle or something then the health tyrants leap on you to get tested for kung flu and wear the ridiculous mask until they hope to badger/shame you into to taking the death shot.
And they haven't promoted natural health and immunity. They haven't advised people to take Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin D3 & Vitamin C.
The Rockerfellers took over the medical schools and big pharma in America in the early 1900s. Before them, medical health focused on the prevention of disease and natural remedies. They made medicine throw pills at everything. They made the pills and became richer.