For me, I had been all over the net cheering for DJT in the primary season and then, of course, the race against Cankle bitch from hell.
Was also looking into Seth and the DIMocrats, RINOS - Mueller, McCain, etc. and their parts in the shit fest.
One night I was on 4chan sharing digs when another poster came on with what seemed to be insider information. That's how I became a Q follower.
There have been an unusual amount of these kinds of posts lately. I'm beginning to get suspicious.
And you are right to be suspicious. ANONS I HIGHLY DISCOURAGE FROM SHARING SUCH INFORMATION,as it would serve PROFILING YOU and preparing adjusted PSYCHOLOGICAL ATTACKS against your morale.
Be warned.
I can understand your suspicions. I'm not asking for personal information. Just shared how I came to be part of Q and was wondering how others came to join.
Researching 9/11 conspiracies in 2014 leads to Trump against Bush in 2015, leads to Trump against Clinton in 2016. All the while researching Illuminati, cabal etc. T_D on Reddit branches off into conspiracy theorists with their own little threads. Something something Q? Something something Voat, greatawakening on Reddit.
…and here we are
Heard Trump was running for President, thought WTF the Apprentice guy. Watched 2 rallies and thought I like this guys I like America first let's see if he keeps his promises. Fast forward to early 2019 love Trump feel like he's the greatest President ever. My sister in law hates Trump basically whole family on wife's side does. Lots of shit talking freaks out when he comes on TV hate. One day said sister-in-law tells wife she was wrong about Trump and is voting for him 2020. I'm shocked confused ask what changed her mind. She sends wife link to Fall of the Cabal series on YouTube. My journey begins.
This sounds like me. When I first heard DJT was running for POTUS, I laughed. At that time, I was on The Conservative Treehouse site a lot and Sundance's articles actually opened my eyes. Didn't take long. Benn on the Trump Trains since.
Fall of the Cabal is a great red pill series - jaw dropping really and especially for those who have had no clue.
After Trump"lost" the election, he did a video where he signed "Q" in Morse code.
I was a little sceptical until then but that sealed the deal for me
I like to bounce between /x/ and /pol/ when I get bored, and during the 2016 election, the memes were particularly spicy, that and back then FBIAnon was a thing. I remember those first few posts, it took a while Q to learn how to communicate with Anons, no one really took those early posts very seriously at the time, but persistence, as they say, pays off, and here we are.
People on T_D were discussing claims that Hillary had been arrested in October 2017 and I've been following, with an open mind, every since.
I largely followed because I'm interested in politics and I was certain that President Trump would use the midterms as the biggest sting operation in U.S. history to catch all the Democrat cheating...
...and I still think that's what happened, only the midterms were used to make the Democrats feel confident about cheating so they'd "go for gold" during the 2020 election, which they absolutely did.
I still think this was a huge part of "the plan" because election reform was a major 2016 Trump campaign promise that he didn't seem to act on in any meaningful way... but I think if Arizona is the first domino to fall or even it it's not then it opens the door for military intervention.
Or I might be completely wrong. Either way I am praying for the best and preparing for civil war.
saw this 11/03/17 and have been following ever since. the thread is still going-2nd edition, with millions of views.
I've been on that board since it started lol, but with another username. There have been some great digs.
me too, been there forever! and I agree, glp has some of the best info. just have to know how to wade through the BS.
I wish I could remember... somehow in November 2017 I got wind of it and have been onboard ever since. I just can't recall what frew my attention in the first place, but it just FELT right.
It was while the Kavanaugh hearings were going on.
I voted for Trump because he wasn't Hillary. And immediately started getting attacks for it from friends. I mainly avoided debate, saying it was the lesser of two evils.
Then I was putting my children to bed and started doing research for a book I'm writing where the US Government is overthrown by twin brothers. I came across an article with a weird word that appeared to be Arabic. "Qanon". I did a search on YouTube for it. In those days, the first result was Joe M's Q, the Plan to Save the World. It brought me to tears. Everything I suspected with uber wealthy buying governments, and starting wars to profit from them was confirmed.
I researched that video three more times before going to bed, myself. The next day, I immediately started digging into everything I could. I found out about elite pedophile rings, satanic ritual abuse and the Russian Collusion plot. I couldn't stop. Some of what I found made me physically ill. Other findings just angered me. I hug my kids tightly every night before they go to bed and I cherish them. I read official government documents and taking to Twitter to expose the evil I'd discovered and debate those brainwashed by it.
The Plan to Save the World is a spectacular video. I watch it from time to time, especially when my courage falters. Keep hugging your little ones.
I always hug them and keep them close.
Constantly have to remind myself that just because I couldn't imagine the SRA type shit with them, doesn't mean that the same can be said for everyone.
after the LV shooting i saw some crazy stuff posted on the Chans and became focused and followed it